My First Day of Work (a brief, sleep-deprived overview)

I'm not gonna lie, last night I had my first good cry. I took a bath (after too many days not) and the tears just came. I was so tired and hot outside and freezing cold inside and not thinking straight and lonely and irritated with myself for eating my anxiety and wanting to sleep and anxious about the first day and did I mention lonely and generally questioning my life choice to move to the other side of the world...

But today, it all got better. As soon as I went downstairs to meet my colleagues in the same building for the shuttle to school I began to calm down. They were all worried about the same things I was.

When we got to the school, I was amazed. I cannot tell you what school it is and therefore will not post pictures, but it is magnificent! There are windows everywhere. Every aspect from the classrooms to the library are spectacular! My classroom is tidy and empty, full of possibility and windows.

The women I met today are kind and passionate and dedicated. Numerous times today we were told by veteran staff that are here to support us, and I felt their sincerity.

We have two weeks of orientation, this week being for new staff only. Today's topics included "Welcome to the UAE", facilities and a tour of the school. The rest of this week will be further introductions to the UAE and processing of logistics so that we can become settled in our new home.

A few of us ventured to the store in a local mall after work for household necessities and food.

This evening I was lucky enough to get to talk to my parents live, which filled my heart and was the perfect top off for a perfect Day 1.

Now that it is over, I am at ease. I feel a part of something bigger than me, something that I think will be wonderful.

Actually, it already is.


  1. You will do just fine! I am sure it is very unsettling to enter a whole new life halfway across the world, and I think you are very brave for making this huge change. Take one day at a time and allow yourself time to get used to a strange new way of life. Crying is not a weekness. It's a release! Great first day report. Keep'em coming! My email address is jjwood4 at gmail dot com. Write any time you get sad and need a pep talk.

  2. And Amatimesfour is your first grade teacher. I realized that you might not know who was always popping up in your comments. JW


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