Day 1. My New Home

Well, I made it.

I'm going to post things all out of order, beginning with my new digs and going backwards to the packing. The last few days in Boise were so busy and I was so exhausted I had no time.

Now it is 8 on Saturday morning and I am in the Starbucks which is super conveniently across the street from my new apartment building. Here's my building:

I was collected at the airport by a few staff from school and along with about 6 other new teachers. They are from Iraq, Ireland, Australia, and the UK. As soon as I arrived we gathered then moved to the shuttle bus. I was happy to see everyone else had 3 suitcases and a carry-on as well!

We are not all in the same building but scattered amongst about 5 different apartment structures; 4 of us in this one. Two school employees handed out keys, etc. and made sure we got to our quarters okay.

Here it is! Let me just say, it is nice than these pictures make it look like.
The living room. There is a balcony behind those curtains.
The bedroom. That's actually a king size bed.

The bathroom in the bedroom.
The kitchen with supplies!

The school also sets us up with a few essentials to get us through the first few days.

In the cupboard...

In the fridge (the chiller)...

Here I think they have overestimated my attention to cleanliness and wrinkle-free clothing.

There is also a pool and a gym, but I haven't seen those yet.

About 47 seconds after the school officials left my new-to-me 1 bedroom-TWO bathroom apartment, I heard dripping. The leak was coming from the ceiling in the powder room. I scurried to the elevator and found the gentleman from the school, who came back and looked. He went downstairs to get someone from the building (there is someone at reception at all times).

Here's where it got amazing. Please note it is like 10:30 at night when this all begins.

The school official came back with the man from the reception desk. He went away to call maintenance. We did have to wait about 15 minutes for someone to return, but when he did, he came with tools and a ladder. He got up there, discovered that the cause was a broken pump on one of the A/C units, and rerouted the water.

As soon as he left another gentleman appeared with a mop and bucket. For most of this time the two officials from the school stayed with me, both only leaving about 4 minutes before the man with the mop finished.

Just think if this was in the US! I can't imagine such a speedy and efficient fix and clean, but I am rather cynical. :)

I slept about 3 hours last night. My plans for the day: post this, get a high speed internet pass from T-Mobile to tide me over until I get internet in my apartment, go to the grocery store, run (on a treadmill--it's crazy hot here) and buy an outfit for tomorrow's first day.


  1. This will make either a great book, or a fab. movie. I am telling you, your ability to be transparent and YOU in the written form- INCREDIBLE! INCREDIBLE- which is what your are!


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