10 days left: Suitcases & Sanity

I am going berserk about suitcases! Yes, S.U.I.T.C.A.S.E.S. There are several issues going on here.

1. The Shipping "allowance".

When I signed the contract with the school, I looked at the shipping allowance and misread it.

See how it says AED 1000? I thought it said USD 1000. Whoops. So instead of $1000 US, I get about roughly $272 US.

Not great. Luckily I stopped kicking myself for not noticing this before I signed, but now I'm trying to figure out how to get my stuff over there. Particularly I am worried about my protein shake supplement there; it comes in 1.5 lb tubs and I have enough to last through Christmas. Do I ship it? Do I check it? If so, do I put it in a suitcase? Will customs let it through? Arg!!

2. How many bags do I check?

The school pays for 2. I am flying American and I have so far called twice to confirm the cost of checking a 3rd bag and heard two different answers: $150 and $200. Depending on how much it really costs, I will check a 4th bag or ship a box of supplements over. But then I get into duties and taxes and trying to pry a shipping address out of the school (not as easy as it sounds), etc. I refer you back to #1.

Suitcase #2. I don't even have #3 yet, but that's not stopping me worrying!

3. Do I need a bag #4?

Two years ago when I bought a bigger bag than a carryon for my second summer in Ireland. That summer I felt like a stereotypical American tourist. I had a 25" expandable suitcase packed to the brim, expanded and overweight [I had a knock-down-drag-out with the RyanAir agent, but that's a different story. The short version: I ship suitcases rather than taking them on RyanAir], plus a large duffle bag I found at TK Maxx, plus a backpack, plus a DSLR camera case. I am embarrassed even writing about it now!

What I learned was:
  • Travelpro luggage is awesome
  • Macy's has great sales on luggage
  • I don't even want to be carting around all that luggage again
  • A 25" suitcase holds ALOT of stuff
  • I do not need as much stuff as I think I do 
But MOVING overseas seems a lot different, right? Surely I will need more stuff than I did for 8 weeks in Europe! I know I can buy stuff over there, but I think it's more expensive and if I can take it with me, why wouldn't I?

On the other hand, how much do I really, really need? I could use this as an opportunity to live using as little as possible. On the other, other hand, 3 or 4 suitcases of stuff is really not much compared to how I live at home.

4. What kind of bag do I buy? And where do I get it?

Travelpro or Samsonite? Hard or soft case? 25" or 29'?  Amazon or Macy's? Do I just get a cheap one that will probably break and buy a new one on my next move?

Every other day or so for the last three weeks I sit down around 10 and troll the internet for suitcases. I compare Macy's to Amazon to off-sites like "ebags.com". Last week Macy's had a great sale on a Travelpro 29" spinner (sadly, I can speak luggage now) for over 1/2 off with 15% off that plus a $50 bonus card. But I was so caught up in the spinning (no pun intended) in my head, I didn't buy it before the deal expired two days ago.

In the meantime I went to Ross by the mall, Ross by my house, Nordstrom Rack, TJ Maxx Homegoods, then back to Ross by the mall, then to Target...I was exhausted. At Ross by the mall the 2nd time I found a Travelpro bag that is awesome but too small. I considered that for about 25 minutes, rolling it around the store, opening it, opening a Samsonite that is a little bit bigger but not quite the same, comparing their insides, knocking over one that starts a domino effect....

I'd like to go on record as saying, I can hear the crazy! I really can. I am well aware I am obsessing about this luggage because it is one of the few things that I think I have some control over. As peaceful as I feel about this move and know it's the right thing to do, I am anxious, too. I keep staying up really late because I know that after I sleep, one more day has passed.

Meditation has become mandatory before I get out of bed each morning because sleep seems to disable the part of me that knows how to calm down. If I'm not careful, I get overwhelmed by all the little things I think need to be done by next Thursday.

The truth is, though, that if I had to pack up tomorrow and go, I'd be fine and have everything I need. I keep telling myself that What needs to get done will get done, one thing at a time. I practice breathing slowly when I feel myself beginning to riled up. I make sure I exercise every day and am working on getting to bed at a reasonable time [apparently not tonight].

I will make it through the 10 days, and if the worst thing that happens is that I freak out about a few suitcases, I consider myself lucky.


  1. I love you, Joy!!!! And I live that beautiful purple suitcase!! So many good wishes going with you on your adventure!!

  2. I looked for ONE piece of luggage before a temporary trip to Dubai and still heard my crazy. Can't imagine figuring this out for a move to Abu Dhabi. You hang in there. I'm looking forward to reading about your journey.


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