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Awaiting the Biopsy, Managing the Anxiety
Outside the Bullock Museum, Austin I was exhausted after the diagnostic mammogram which, usually less than an hour in total, turned out to be a 5 hour extravaganza. When I got home I burst into tears and had a good cry before I could even get out of the car. I started praying for calm and peace. More than the results of the biopsy I was freaking out about the procedure itself. Although the doctor and nurses assured me I would only feel the first numbing shot of the local anesthetic, I didn't believe them. Several times in the past I have been told the same thing, only to feel a lot of pain during the procedure. Despite my best efforts I would find myself worried about how I would react to the pain, if I would feel more than the first shot, if these people were trustworthy, if this doctor is good, etc. I told my parents the news over a dinner of grilled catfish and they did not seem overly concerned--which helped me so much, I think. Wanting to please them gave me a sort of "...
What have I done? #Homesick #Lonely
It finally hit. I have literally moved to the other side of the world. Both this and yesterday mornings I awakened after a fantastic night's sleep and cried when I realized I am still here. In my apartment-that-feels-like-a-hotel-room-still. Cold marble floors. Echo-y 10 foot ceilings. It is SO hot. I knew this going in, and is exactly how I expected it. Maybe I was hoping I was wrong. I miss being outside all the time in Boise. I'm suddenly wishing I had spent way more time in the mountains this summer. I am SO cold. Just like Texas, they haven't figured out that when it's 114 outside, the A/C set to 80 would be sufficient. Every inside venue is freezing cold. I am lonely. My coworkers are really nice and kind but that doesn't seem to matter. There is nothing to do except be in a mall. I joined the wrong gym in my impulsiveness to get settled. And it's in a mall. My apartment is only on the 3rd floor and overlooks...a mall. I have no wifi. Ev...
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