Thursday afternoon - Day 11 since fighting began

 There have been no rockets in Tel Aviv for I think 3 days...maybe 4. Since the last round, which was in the middle of the night, I find myself less and less jumpy. For the first two days literally everything sounded like a siren firing up. The streets were super quiet. Lots of businesses were and still are closed. A few restaurants were open. My favorite cupcake shop (Red Velvet- vegan offerings on Thursdays and Fridays) remains closed.

However, every day a little bit more life returns to the busy street where I live. I still haven't gone out for a run, which at first was the obvious fear of being outside during a siren--I've done that and it is scary. I'm not going to run in the park until this is over but I could run on the streets where shelter is always nearby. Only in the last few days have I started walking with a few friends who live nearby. My gym has been holding classes regularly (with the exception of one night of cancellations) and I've been going regularly. I've even been able to go to yoga on Fridays since we are teaching virtually.

It takes me a while to go to sleep but I am sleeping pretty well. 

I think the anxiety is affecting me more than I thought it was. Today I left out part of the lesson to my class but didn't realize it until afterwards! I admit part of it I am doing to myself. I check about 5 news sources compulsively and I look at the Red Alert app entirely too much. I am having a hard time focusing on work. It is very strange to be up here in Tel Aviv with somewhat "normal" life continuing while rockets are falling less that 60 miles away. 

One thing I am super grateful for is the "Retreat in Daily Life" that I am doing. The Anglican Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf (also the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle Eat) includes Abu Dhabi. My church there, St. Andrew's, introduced me to Maggie, the retreat leader for the diocese. Each year she comes to Abu Dhabi and conducts a retreat for a week. A small group meets on Saturday and Thursday together, then throughout the week we all meet individually each day with Maggie. I did this the last two years I was there. About a month ago I called a friend from St. Andrew's who mentioned the Retreat in Daily Life was starting the next day. As it turns out, this is the week I get to meet with Maggie every day! What amazing timing!

I don't really know what else to say. I feel uncomfortable and strange and a bit anxious; but I am safe and looking forward to meeting with Maggie in a couple of hours.


  1. I know what to say "GOD IS GOOD!!! ALL THE TIME, and ALL THE TIME God is taking such good care of you as He continues to protect you! AMEN!


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