Idaho Tater Trots - Grand Targhee #RagnarTrail Relay

One of my favorite parts of every summer is doing a Ragnar Trail Race with this bunch of other crazy people that invited me along one year and now can't get rid of me.

The Ragnar trail races are 24 leg relays. There are 3 legs: red, yellow and green, red being the hardest and green the "easiest". Each team generally has 8 members + a volunteer. Each runner runs all three legs which gets us to 24. This is the basic set up for all the trail races. Here's the map for this one near the Tetons.

Last year we did the race in Lake Tahoe and I just about died. I had a "Scarlett O'Hara moment" in which I vowed to never get that out of shape again. So I made sure to keep up running this year. I've done 4 half marathons this year. I was ready for this year's Ragnar in the Tetons at Grand Targhee Resort.

Look our, Grand Targhee, here we come! Me, Lauri, Sara, Wendy, Andrea, Brian. On our way to St. Anthony to pick up more members.

Beautiful eastern Idaho.

Headed up to check in.

One of our new members, Sara. She was a rock star and kicked off our entire race.

Lauri. Also a rock star and finished off our entire race.

The exchange.

I don't remember where this is. red or green loop, but definitely not yellow, as I did that one in the dark.

The views at this race were amazing.

At the top of the red loop. What a great reward for getting myself up a gain of 2151 vertical feet!

Ahhh, the compression machine.

"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can." Finishing my last leg.

Harassing the announcer while we wait for Lauri to finish leg #24. Photo courtesy of Wendy D.

The Idaho Tater Trots. Photo from Wendy D. or Brian R. Byron, Heidi and Earl are with the van crew in this one.

Packing up camp. Thanks, Wendy for the pic!

One more pic before we go our separate ways. Another pic from Wendy.


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