Happy birthday to me

My birthday is at the end of August which means it is usually the first or second day of school. This year it was the weekend before school started. Both of the last two years I was also in Abu Dhabi for my birthday. And both of those years I didn't tell anyone it was my birthday then got upset when nobody remembered or gave my any presents (yes, I realize this is like a 5 year old), thus I walked around feeling resentful and angry and hurt on my birthday.

This year I vowed to do differently. Instead of expecting people to "just know" that is was my birthday, I created a WhatsApp group and invited people to do something fun with me for my big day: Paintball. I've never done it before but have always wanted to try it.

The plan was to meet at Marriott Al Forsan Sports Complex for paintball then to the Marriott Hotel for dinner at Appaloosa, a bar that has yummy food (including sweet potato fries).

On the big day, only two of us showed for paintball so we quickly amended the plan. We did recon for a future visit with more people, then reconvened at the bar for dinner.

Friends from all parts of my life showed up for a fabulous evening of conversation and laughter. It always makes me so happy when people I know meet each other and get on well together.

I had such a lovely time, and it turned out to be one of my favorite birthdays even. I was free from anxiety, able to be present and surrounded by people I love. It was one of those moments in time where I really see just what a wonderful life I have and what an amazing community I have here in Abu Dhabi. And it came with a lesson, too: I had to be vulnerable and invite people in order to experience the joy of celebrating with my friends.

P. S.  Eventually we did get together for paintball. I learned that I hate being shot at and don't EVER want to do it again!!!  But, here's what it looked like:

The indoor paintball "field"? "pitch"? Whatever it's called..


The joy at being done with this!

Sushi afterwards!!


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