
Random thing #17 you may or may not find interesting about Abu Dhabi: Fog.

There is a lot of sunshine in Abu Dhabi, even in the winter. Apparently the other thing that happens in the winter is fog. I mean F.O.G. Like, local-schools-have-2-hour-delayed-start-times-because-the-busses-can't-get-through fog.

School #1 was located in the city, so I didn't come to appreciate the full thickness of the fog until one work day recently. Here's what it looked like at one of the lights along the way:

This picture is further back in the line at the same light
Before I left in the morning I took a picture off the balcony. Compare it to the regular view!

...and looking the other direction...

Later in the week there was fog all day long. I hear it's because the authorities in Abu Dhabi seed the clouds to increase rainfall, a side effect of which could be the fog. Whatever the reason, it made my run better because the men working in the buildings near mine couldn't see me and therefore couldn't whistle at me. 

I think normally you can see the buildings of Reem Island from this point

Some more pictures on the journey to work.
My school from the parking lot
My school about 20 yards closer
The view from my classroom


  1. This would beat West Jr. High School fog by volumes!


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