Almost 3 weeks in

Yep, that's me!  I'm just about to finish my 3rd week at my new school. It is absolutely incredible what a difference it is. I fit in immediately, and I can't believe it has only been 3 weeks; I feel so comfortable there it feels like I've been there months.

The students are amazing. They are chatty yet polite; they enjoy themselves yet get their work done; and they say thank you every day when they leave class. I have not had a single argument with a student, and they even ask me how I am doing.

I teach three different classes (down from 6 at the other school), two of which I have taught before. The people in my department are fantastic and I am a really good fit.

The place where all the magic happens
The commute to work is about 30 minutes, door to door. The first day I left at 6:15 to ensure I would be there well before 7:25 and have been leaving later and later each morning to see where the too-late point it--you know, that magical time after which you are no longer on time to work. So far I'm up to 6:38 and considering pushing it to 6:45.

Over Christmas break I went to the gym every day and I have done a fair job of exercising most every day. I lost a few pounds over the break and I am super fearful of gaining them back so Im doing my best to stay on target.

My thoughts and worries these days are no longer about how to navigate dread, anxiety, fear and stress. Instead there is enough space in my life now to focus on becoming a better teacher and what to do with myself when not at work. I even find myself grateful for the same old problem I always have: overthinking, taking myself too seriously and overreacting whenever I have a negative emotion. If you know me, you know what I'm talking about. I've never been so grateful to feel neurotic and lonely!!


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