Settling In

Well, I've been here 2 weeks. I know there's been radio silence from me ever since I posted about feeling lonely, so here's the update:

1. I made friends with some expats who have lived over here for various lengths of time, from 16 years to just got here last week. Mostly they don't drink, so I am in good company. We've gotten together a lot and that has helped immensely.

You might be thinking, But wait, Joy, you live in a Muslim country! Why is drinking an issue there? Among the western expats, it appears that much of the socializing that goes on is in hotels, specifically hotel buffets on Fridays, or in hotel bars the rest of the time. There are screaming deals for ladies, such as free drinks during happy hour. Free. Drinks. Not half price or two-for-one, but FREE. And happy hour isn't an hour or two, it's like 4. FOUR. Here's one...

Another couple of examples...

Before I got here I was worried about my social situation, that it would be super lonely either hanging out alone at home or with other people in bars where I don't really have a great time.

But I didn't need to worry. My new friends have taken me to coffee, introduced me to a series of free foreign films that come through town, had a foot massage and lunch in Dubai and sampled shisha (which, I would like to say, my body did not like at all-I blew up like a balloon and hacked all the next day from the 2 puffs I took).

There's not a bar on the list!

2. I made a few friends at school. With one woman I had a lovely lunch and found a movie buddy in another. She also went shopping with me for school-appropriate clothes (the dress code is a page long) which was amazingly helpful because I bought pants that are the right size (this never happens when I shop alone)!

3. Wifi is set up. This is a pivotal event in the process of moving to a new country. With wifi I can call hope, watch TV in English, stream NPR without constant buffering, download taxi apps for when I do not have wifi or a taxi stand nearby and listen to Pandora.

The rug. There IS silver, you just can't see it.
4. I have been shopping. I cannot believe the amount of money I have spent fixing up my apartment. Okay, yes I can. I love to shop for decorative stuff. The theme seems to be pink and black. Just 3 days ago I discovered a beautiful brown and white and silver runner that goes perfectly in my foyer. The TV, bedding, towels and new clothes have all helped it feel like home. Oh, and the patio furniture from IKEA help, too.

5. At work we spent the 2nd week mostly in professional development sessions, with an hour here or there for classroom prep. That was slightly stressful as I was expecting to have everything be done by the first day of school. That's tomorrow and it is definitely not done, but I have a strange sense of calm about it all [God-willing, it will stay].

6. Today we newcomers to the organization that manages our school had a welcome event in Dubai at Atlantis, a swanky hotel and conference center. Oh. My. Gosh. If any of you teachers out there have ever gone to AVID training in San Diego, it was very similar. There was a lot of Kool-Aid drinking going on. We left at 5:30 a.m., resentfully. When we arrived, it didn't get better. There were 1500 people crammed into this big ballroom with lots of whooping and hollering from the people on the stage while uncertain outbreaks of applause rose from the crowd at the prompting of the master of ceremonies. Very...artificial.

This ordeal was followed by breakout sessions which I presumed would suck but were actually fantastic. One I chose was about being happy and the other about Emirati culture 101. I got a ton out of both of them. A beautiful buffet rewarded our perseverance which melted my resentment with every trip back to the basmati rice.

7. Finally, I have been sort of exercising every few days. I'm figuring out how to get around efficiently with taxis and it's taking some trial and error. Tonight I went to run on a treadmill in my building's gym. The belt was sticking and I really craved outside.

I walked around our little island here called Reem and found a few things that were exciting. There is a little park close to me that will be fun when it cools off. I found a cat there enjoying the peace and quiet, at least until I arrived!

My building at night
The flag of the U.A.E.
As I walked around I felt much calmer and got perspective on the last couple of weeks. Nothing helps you get to know a place like walking or running in it. I saw all the nitty gritty stuff I have been missing out on in the taxis. Canals, construction, where my building is in relation to others nearby, how far away that other market really is, that little park I mentioned earlier, what it smells like, what it feels like and when the runners are out [apparently it is after 8:30 at night, there were tons of people out]. And how lucky I am to live in such a safe city! I can go out that late in the dark without fear. The streets are well lit. There are lots of people out.

Finally, on my way home, I got this picture. It is really beautiful here in its own way.


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