My 3rd outdoor run...and Formula 1 #YMCOfficial

Look where I ran tonight!!

It's a Formula 1 racetrack--the Yas Marina Circuit here in Abu Dhabi.

I don't know if you can do that in other places, but you can do that here in Abu Dhabi on Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday (ladies only) nights until race season starts (which, by the way, is the weekend of November 23rd. If anyone has extra tickets, I'd love to go!!!) I went with 3 other women tonight. I ran, 2 hired bikes and one walked.

At each grandstand there is loud music blaring. The kind that's great to exercise to.

There were zillions of people there. You can rent a bike here for free.

So glad Liz bought this water pack before me--I love it!

Bikers on the right going counter-clockwise.

Walkers on the left, going clockwise.

Don't I look just like my dad here? Goofy smile and all :)

I don't think I have EVER been this hot before.


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