From Abu Dhabi to....

For a while I thought I might come back to the United States because I knew I was done with Abu Dhabi. But a few close friends, and some acquaintances, told me they didn't think I was coming back.

They were right!

I am delighted to announce that I will be moving to Israel next year to join the staff of the Walworth Balbour American International School!

My mind was mostly much made up when the school year began--it is time to leave Abu Dhabi. I like my job and love my friends and the community I have found here, but I don't love the weather. It is so hot! After all, I left Texas in part because of the heat (the other reason was the cockroaches, which we also have here in the UAE). And there is so little to do outside. I was rather spoiled by the weather and activities in Boise--skiing within an hour of finishing the work day, running in the mountains regularly, riding my bike to work. This has been an excellent first overseas job.

Thus I attended a job fair in Dubai this winter. My goal was really to force myself into getting my C.V. ready to really begin my job search. I went in for inspiration and came out with a job offer from a great school!

I will be teaching middle school math at the school affiliated with the U.S. embassy, about 30 minutes outside of Tel Aviv.  It is run by the Office of Overseas Schools under the U.S. State Department. School starts August 18 and new teachers are on duty August 3rd. Of course I have no idea what my summer will look like at this point, but I do know I will be arriving in Tel Aviv around August 1st.


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