My security gurads

A special greeting from one security guy when I retrieved a package recently
There are security guards everywhere in the UAE--malls, stores, restaurants. My building is no exception. There is one difference, though. Our security guars are the best ever!

Through whatever a drama the security guards in my building are amazing. For example, there was a fire the first night back of last year. At midnight we all walked down the stairs and congregated outside in our pajamas while the security guards, who live in the building, were rushing around in trying to fix things in their pajamas!

Whenever I arrive in the building, I am greeted with a smile, a wave, or (best one) "Miss Joy! How are you today?" When I leave they all wave. All of them (I think there are 6) know my keys because they hold them at reception while I go on a run around the island. Last week I picked up a packaged that had been delivered to reception and I had a special note on it <3.

My favorite story about the security guys in my building happened at the beginning of last year. I was at our little gym and there was a guy working out I hadn't ever seen before. We made eye contact but did not talk to each other. When I left he suddenly appeared at the elevator next to me. I noticed this. He got into the elevator when I did but he didn't press any floor number. I noticed this, too. Then he started talking to me. He asked my profession, I asked his. He is in between jobs. This is weird because you have to have a job to have a visa in order to live here, so I noticed this, too. Another part I remember is that he asked if I could have company. I didn't understand what he meant (why would that question make any sense from a stranger in an elevator?) so I asked, "what?" He tried a couple more times but I was not getting it. Finally he asked it differently: "can you have people over?"

I was so taken aback I just answered. "Of course I can." By now I was feeling very uneasy. He asked if he could come over! Um, no. This I said out loud.

By now we were on my floor and I was ready to get off but he kept talking to me. (Oh, how I wish I could do the things in the moment that I come up with after the fact!) Eventually I got off but did not go directly to my door, just in case Creepy Guy was still on my floor and watching me to find out which apartment was mine. When I was sure the lift and Creepy Guy were gone I hurried inside my apartment and locked the door. I felt relieved but still shocked that this happened in my building.

About 3 minutes later there was a knock on my door. I froze, I guess hoping that he/she/it would think I wasn't home and go away. About a minute passed and there was another knock. This time I made my way to the door because the eyehole has a cover on it. I was still tiptoeing, though! I slid the cover to the side and was surprised to see one of our security guards at my door!

I opened the door in relief and words rushed out of my mouth. "Oh my gosh, I thought you were this creepy guy from the gym!"

He said, "I know, that's why I'm here. I saw him on the cameras follow you to the elevator, I saw him not press a floor in the elevator, I saw him talk to you and then keep you from getting out of the elevator. I am here to make sure you are okay." Apparently they had had several complaints about this guy and they were watching him.

Now, I want to make it super clear that this kind of thing does NOT happen in Abu Dhabi on a regular basis. People I tell this to who live here are shocked. And seriously, this was weird. Yet Abu Dhabi is one of the safest cities in the world. One of the reasons why is because of those cameras and caring people looking after each other.

The security staff in my building not only do they look after me, they make daily living a treat with their smiles and greeting and happy messages on my packages. 😊


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