La Pegasus Half Marathon - Day 75th Anniversary Edition! Thank you, @CourantsDLL #LivingMyDream

The race was sooooo hard! Even though it was near the ocean,  we ran inland, which in retrospect probably means uphill. I remind you that I live in Abu Dhabi, elevation zero. With zero hills.

But the beauty and history were magnificent.

I walked only about 2 km from my lovely Airbnb to the shuttle pickup point where buses took us to the start at the Pegasus bridge. This bridge was one that was a priority to protect in the invasion of Normandy. Aside from the starting gate, it's the same bridge.


After a few bathroom breaks in the woods (a common occurrence at races) and observing some group calisthenics, the race began well. I felt great for darn near 4 miles.

And then. Suddenly I was dead.

My cardio was fine, but my legs were dead. I needed water but it was only every 7 km's or so. Apparently that weight lifting I stopped at Christmastime was good for something. I distracted myself for about 40 minutes trying to check in to my flight, but with just over 3 miles to go, I was dying.

Despite the self-inflicted agony, it was a fabulous race. How could it not be? I was in France! Running through beautiful towns in lovely weather. Here's the race in pictures.

The Pegasus Bridge

There were British, American, Canadian & French flags everywhere. These were near the bridge.

Cloudy weather that rained on us for a sec before race time.

A lovely day for a run!

How could I not take a picture of the pegasus? Many of the roundabouts had decorations.

...and now we're on a trail near some fields of crops.

Trying to get the backwards view, but not really working!

I was chasing the shade now and trying to check in for my flight.

I am dying now, but there are about 4 km left. Also, I'm not sure what that red mark is on my neck!

Some big...monastery? near the finish

The finish!  After which I just about threw up.

Check out the spread after the race!
What race would be compete without this?

Customary end of race picture, but no medal on this course. No extra charge for strangers in picture, either!


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