The race was sooooo hard! Even though it was near the ocean, we ran inland, which in retrospect probably means uphill. I remind you that I live in Abu Dhabi, elevation zero. With zero hills.
But the beauty and history were magnificent.
I walked only about 2 km from my lovely Airbnb to the shuttle pickup point where buses took us to the start at the
Pegasus bridge. This bridge was one that was a priority to protect in the invasion of Normandy. Aside from the starting gate, it's the same bridge.
After a few bathroom breaks in the woods (a common occurrence at races) and observing some group calisthenics, the race began well. I felt great for darn near 4 miles.
And then. Suddenly I was dead.
My cardio was fine, but my legs were dead. I needed water but it was only every 7 km's or so. Apparently that weight lifting I stopped at Christmastime was good for something. I distracted myself for about 40 minutes trying to check in to my flight, but with just over 3 miles to go, I was dying.
Despite the self-inflicted agony, it was a fabulous race. How could it not be? I was in France! Running through beautiful towns in lovely weather. Here's the race in pictures.
The Pegasus Bridge |
There were British, American, Canadian & French flags everywhere. These were near the bridge. |
Cloudy weather that rained on us for a sec before race time. |
A lovely day for a run! |
How could I not take a picture of the pegasus? Many of the roundabouts had decorations. |
...and now we're on a trail near some fields of crops. |
Trying to get the backwards view, but not really working! |
I was chasing the shade now and trying to check in for my flight. |
I am dying now, but there are about 4 km left. Also, I'm not sure what that red mark is on my neck! |
Some big...monastery? near the finish |
The finish! After which I just about threw up. |
Check out the spread after the race! |
What race would be compete without this? |
Customary end of race picture, but no medal on this course. No extra charge for strangers in picture, either! |
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