Robert & Joy's Holy Land Adventure Day 14 #Petra @Tauck

Well, this is our last "event" day of the trip! It doesn't officially end until tomorrow night, but tomorrow is basically a travel day back to Amman. Today's activities: Meet at 8 a.m. to tour Petra! Although we met early, we were still walking in with a multitude of people from cruise ships that port at Aqaba. There were zillions of people! I had to fight myself to maintain a positive attitude and not get snarky. I really don't like crowds. The local guide we have had since our arrival in Jordan had a family emergency and was unable to guide us through Petra, but his replacement, Hussein, was good. Honestly, I only absorbed about 50% of what he said, as his accent was thick, he talked fast, and I was trying to stay out of the crowds. What I got was this: Petra is super old (4000 B.C. ish) and was the capital of the Nabataeans. Later the Greeks moved in and even later the Romans came. Much was destroyed by an earthquake in the 300...