A weekend getaway #HappyBirthday #LovetoTravel

It has been forever since I posted!  I have run myself so ragged that I have no time for anything.
My dear friend.

But more on that later.

I just wanted to quickly update:
  • I am alive
  • I am well
  • I am considering staying another year
  • Last weekend I took a trip to visit a friend from Boise on her birthday. It was amazing!!!
  • I am exercising consistently (as opposed to 6 times last year. Ragnar team, I wouldn't die if we ran now)
  • Work is busy and stressful but still good.
  • I am taking Arabic classes.
  • A friend and I are visiting Ukraine the end of November.
  • I won't be home for the holidays but am going to travel instead. (suggestions welcome)
  • I miss you all!
  • I love you all!

the Sea of Galilee

Another view of the Sea of Galilee

Do you need a saint?

My dear friend

This is at a gas station!  Seriously!

The Mediterranean. We had the birthday part at the building behind me.

The beach near Ceasaria.

A run to the beach near Ceasaria

Flowers were blooming everywhere!


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