The real story of loneliness

From I post a lot about loneliness. I know this. Most of my life has been lonely. As a child I felt disconnected from my parents, and the loneliness never really left me. My brother is 4 years younger than me and we mostly ignored each other growing up. I had a few best friends in grade school, but one moved away after 6th grade, another one and I had a falling out in 8th grade (although I'm happy to report reconciliation at our 10 year high school reunion), and the closest one and I ran in different circles once we hit high school. Consequently I spent all of my time and energy after junior high (the worst years of life for myself and most girls everywhere) desperately trying to overcome a deep feeling of loneliness, but it never seemed to budge. As I grew up I discovered habits and people that gave me temporary relief from the agony of isolation. I also wanted desperately to feel a part of with people. Th...