From Abu Dhabi to....

For a while I thought I might come back to the United States because I knew I was done with Abu Dhabi. But a few close friends, and some acquaintances, told me they didn't think I was coming back. They were right! I am delighted to announce that I will be moving to Israel next year to join the staff of the Walworth Balbour American International School ! My mind was mostly much made up when the school year began--it is time to leave Abu Dhabi. I like my job and love my friends and the community I have found here, but I don't love the weather. It is so hot! After all, I left Texas in part because of the heat (the other reason was the cockroaches, which we also have here in the UAE). And there is so little to do outside. I was rather spoiled by the weather and activities in Boise--skiing within an hour of finishing the work day, running in the mountains regularly, riding my bike to work. This has been an excellent first overseas job. Thus I attended a job fair ...