Ski day!

I finally did it! About 2 months ago I went with my friend Lucy to Ski Dubai . It was shockingly fun! I've been wanting to go since I arrived, but it never seemed the right day and I hadn't found anyone that wanted to go. Going up to Bogus Basin by myself is one thing--I always run into people I know even when I go up by myself. Ski Dubai was something I wanted to share with someone else. After doing so many things alone overseas, I have come to really appreciate companionship when I go on an outing. I lugged the big purple suitcase from the top shelf of my closet that has housed my ski stuff for 1 §/1 years. Just the smell of my ski clothes filled me with joy! For a second I was back in the ski school locker room at Bogus. Off I went to meet Lucy at the Mall of the Emirates where Ski Dubai lives. Maybe because I had very low expectations or maybe because it really is well done and legit, I really enjoyed myself. It fill the need in me for snow and skiing. Here's a ...