The break up. #RonChernow @HamiltonMuslical

It's over. I am devastated. The cycle of grief has begun. On my way home this afternoon, my 36 hour-long relationship with Alexander Hamilton finally came to an end. [Spoiler Alert: he dies in the end]. At 3 1/2 hours to go I stopped listening for a few days to prolong the grief. Yes, I've completed the entire Ron Chernow biography of our first Secretary of the Treasury. I'm not gonna lie, I was only interested in the book initially because of the Broadway play Hamilton . I've listened to Act One so many times I just had to find out the real story of this amazing man (Really, I think I wanted to see how much of the play is true). But it grew on me. It took a few chapters, but I eventually got sucked in. There were definitely a few chapters where I zoned out for miles at a time (like, for example, all those words about the Federalist Papers), but overall I bet I heard about 70% of the book. And by the last 10 hours I was all in. It is an incredible story...