Speaking of cars.... #Nomoretraffictickets

Sooooo... I have not been the best driver in my life, even if you remove fainting at the wheel (see this post for details on that). I've had my fair share of accidents and traffic tickets, but the entire first year I was here I didn't get any tickets! Let me back up. Speed is monitored by numerous merciless radar cameras like this one: photo from https://www.drivearabia.com/news/2013/01/31/abu-dhabi-gets-15-new-radars-uae/ As an aside, the speed limits used to be 20 kph over the posted limit, and it is still like that in Dubai. Yes, you read that correctly. So when the sign said 60 kph, you could actually go 80 and the radar was set to 81. On the way to Dubai (an hour-and-a-half up the road) the speed limit is 140 kph. And so the signs used to say 120 but you were just supposed to know that you could drive 140. On Sunday, August 12 of 2018 the speed "buffer" was eliminated. So now when you drive to Dubai, which is in a different Emirate and thus subject ...